I arrived in Peru this morning after too many hours of flying and airport sleeping. It was quite a site with all the crowds around the airport but we managed to navigate our way to drop off our bags at our hostel. Jillian and I wandered around downtown a little before finding the cutest place for breakfast where we had eggs and coco tea which is supposed to help with the altitude sickness. We then found our way to the main square where people looked like they were getting ready for some big event and there was a podium set up. We hung around and were able to catch a two hour procession of bands and all of the military branches (there was even a mountain guard with backpacks and gaiters). There was then a speech that we didnt understand by a man who had been on our plane and generated crowds at the airport (we determined that it wasnt us that they were photographing and videoing, thank goodness because that would have been really weird. Songs were sung and the whole crowd stood up, it was all very patriotic.